Course curriculum

    1. What This Course is About

    2. Important Course Information

    3. Data Download

    4. Folder Organization

    5. Installing QGIS

    1. Chapter 2 Learning Objectives & Skills of Focus

    2. What is GIS?

    3. History of GIS

    4. Transit Planning with GIS

    5. Hands-on: Opening QGIS and Saving a Project

    6. Hands-on: Installing the Maptiler Plugin & Adding a Basemap

    7. Hands-on: Exploring the QGIS Interface

    1. Chapter 3 Learning Objectives & Skills of Focus

    2. Layers and Features

    3. Hands-on: Exploring Geospatial Data

    4. Attribute Data

    5. Scale, Coordinate Systems, and Projections

    6. Hands-on: Geocoding Addresses

    7. Chapter 3 Quiz

    1. Chapter 4 Learning Objectives & Skills of Focus

    2. What Makes a Good Reference Map

    3. Symbology & Labeling Features

    4. Hands-on: Symbolizing Categorical Data

    5. Hands-on: Creating a Basemap & Labeling Features

    6. Supplemental Material: Creating Features and Sharing as a Web Map

    7. Chapter 4 Quiz

    1. Chapter 5 Learning Objectives & Skills of Focus

    2. Relational Databases

    3. Hands-on: Joining Ridership Data to Stops

    4. Thematic Maps

    5. Hands-on: Symbolizing Quantitative Data

    6. Hands-on: Creating and Exporting Static Maps

    7. Share Your Map!

    8. Chapter 5 Quiz

    1. Chapter 6 Learning Objectives & Skills of Focus

    2. Data Sources

    3. Pulling Data from

    4. Hands-on: Processing Census Data

    5. Operators and Basic Queries

    6. Hands-on: Using Queries to Identify Areas with Transit-Supportive Density

    7. Hands-on: Writing Compound Queries and Creating a Transit Potential Index

    8. Geoprocessing Functions

    9. Hands-on: Creating a Complex Thematic Map

    10. Chapter 6 Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 44 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content