Course curriculum

    1. What This Course is About

    2. Who We Are

    3. Important Course Information

    4. Data Download

    5. Folder Organization

    6. Downloading and Installing QGIS

    1. Chapter 2 Learning Objectives & Skills of Focus

    2. Census Geographies

    3. Census Products

    4. Hands-on: Explore Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) Exports

    5. Hands-on: Create and Populate a Geopackage

    6. Hands-on: Investigating Census Geographies

    7. Retrieving Census and LEHD Data

    8. Hands-on: Processing Decennial Census Data

    9. Hands-on: Aggregating Geographies

    10. Hands-on: Assigning Job Estimates to Block Groups

    11. Optional Homework: Mapping the 2020 Decennial Census

    12. Chapter 2 Quiz

    1. Chapter 3 Learning Objectives & Skills of Focus

    2. Understanding Indices

    3. Hands-on: Exploring Geopackages (Prep for Transit Potential Index)

    4. Hands-on: Creating a Transit Potential Index

    5. Hands-on: Exporting Tables from QGIS (Prep for Transit Propensity Index)

    6. Hands-on: Combining Excel Tables (Prep for Transit Propensity Index)

    7. Hands-on: Creating a Transit Propensity Index

    8. Hands-on: Mapping our Transit Propensity Index

    9. Chapter 3 Quiz

    1. Chapter 4 Learning Objectives & Skills of Focus

    2. Advanced Principles of Design

    3. Thematic Maps

    4. Hands-on: Processing a GTFS Feed

    5. Hands-on: Importing and Modifying Styles

    6. Hands-on: Customizing the Voyager Basemap

    7. Hands-on: Creating Density Choropleths

    8. Hands-on: Using Blending Modes to Combine Choropleths and Creating a Bivariate Legend

    9. Hands-on: Creating a Map Series

    10. Optional Homework: Creating a Bivariate Map

    11. Chapter 4 Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 38 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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